Full wrought iron wicket with stork and letterbox
Wicket BM27
Full wicket, built in a two-sided and completely three-dimensional wicket. The material is 100% hand forged by our master blacksmith. In this wicket, from the outside there is a postman with a bag serving as a mailbox, while from the inside of the property we have built a forged tree next to which there is also a door for taking letters that are thrown by the postman on the outside. The wicket is full, which means that between the stork scene and the tree scene there is a steel sheet, thanks to which the gate protects privacy, it is completely opaque. Wicket made of steel, very thick and massive. Thanks to the use of high-quality adjustable hinges, this wicket also opens very lightly and smoothly. We are the only company in the world where you can order such a wicket. The gate is hot-dip galvanized, which makes it resistant to corrosion and water. We ship our wickets all over the world.